Helping you to take control of your Physical & Emotional Hunger

You’ve tried all the diets, yet you keep failing... You think about food all the time... You have great intentions but end up eating cake... Your inner voice is telling you to have another biscuit... You feel like your hormones are running riot... Does this sound like you?

As a Hypnotherapist and mind coach, I can help you to change your thoughts, behaviours and beliefs that have previously held you back

I teach you techniques on how to take control of the inner voice, that voice that urges you to have just one more biscuit, or to start the diet next week.

I teach you how to let go of that old diet mindset. For many people the very word ‘diet’ instils fear, fear of hunger, fear of denial, fear of lack of will power, fear of failure, the list goes on. I ultimately help you transform your views around food and your lifestyle, we look at stress and how to find more positive ways of coping, sleep patterns, exercise and activities.

We often struggle to find a healthy balance, especially when we are living with daily feelings of anxiety. When we are struggling with Self Esteem and the Inner Voice is constantly belittling or knowing that you have to start yet another diet, only to already have thoughts of failure, before you’ve even started.

How different would you feel if you could peel away those thoughts, those beliefs? How would you feel if you could learn to let go of not feeling good enough?

I can help with a range of issues related to weight loss, such as:

  • Sugar Cravings
  • Yo-Yo Dieting
  • Emotional Eating
  • Lack Of Energy
  • Low Self Esteem
  • No Motivation
  • Anxiety
  • Stress

Initial Consultation

Before we begin, we will have a free 15-30 minute initial telephone consultation so I can find out as much as possible about you, the challenges you are facing and how I can help. This is also your opportunity to ask questions about hypnotherapy and coaching so you feel comfortable and confident should you decide to work with me.

Intake Form

There will also be an intake form for you to fill in, about your diet, lifestyle and sleep as I firmly believe that you cannot treat the body and mind separately. To achieve lasting change and restore a healthy balance, it is vital that the body and mind are working together in a healthy way.


Ideally, we will work together through the Master Your Weight loss Mindset programme. This is a six session programme, tailored to your very own weight loss needs. I understand that everyones weight loss journey is different, and that there are multiple components that go towards successful weight loss, those being sleep, stress management, nutrition, movement. This is a deep dive into changing your thoughts and beliefs, your behaviours and habits.

Alternatively, you can opt for the Weight Loss Masterclass, this is a 2 hour intensive session, where I will teach you everything that you need to know for successful weight loss. This goes way beyond calories in calories out, this is understanding weight loss on a deeper level. I will teach you the protocol that I have seen work time and time again for my clients. I will then use hypnosis to put your mind firmly on the weight loss path. This masterclass is included within the full Master your Weight Loss Mindset programme.

I use a combination of hypnotherapy, coaching and knowledge, to help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you need to maintain weight loss for the rest of your life. Working with weight loss requires multiple changes. It’s requires a change in mindset as well as lifestyle and nutritional changes. Weight loss isn’t about just cutting your portions down, it’s also not about starving yourself, as that’s not going to work long term!

My approach is using real food, no shakes, no calorie counting, just teaching you what to eat to satisfy the hunger hormones. This allows you to lose weight without hunger, it allows you to naturally start eating less.

I can help you to understand how certain food choices interrupt your appetite control, also how you can then make different choice that leave you feeling satiated, which then allows you to lose weight WITHOUT HUNGER!

For more information about how I can help you on your weight loss journey, please get in touch.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my services. You can also call me on 07793 074565 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

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